The Law Of Attraction: How To Use It For Better Life.

Don’t let your thoughts and emotions affect your health.

Zelene Tyler
3 min readSep 27, 2021

Whether you like it or not, you know about it or not… the Law of Attraction exists and will continue to happen even if we are aware of it or not.

Just like other laws of the universe, the Law of attraction is accurate and will never fail its purpose.

Unfortunately, we don’t learn about it at school although its principles are quite straightforward. Think of it like a yo-yo effect, what you give is what you get back. You are thinking in a negative way you will receive more things, people, or situations to enforce your beliefs, you think positively the same will happen.

To be more clear I’ll give you two examples:

First scenario: Negative thought

Let's say you have loads of debts, you struggle with a very difficult financial situation. You are miserable every day thinking why X and Y don’t have any problems and you have. Why all of this is happening to you, why you never get what you want, why you can’t be financially free. You start thinking that this is how your life should be, that maybe you are not worth having more freedom, more money, or that house you always wanted, and you settle for what you have and complain about how miserable your life is.

Guess what happens? You will remain in this loop over and over again. You will complain and focus on what you don’t have so more situations will happen to show you that indeed you don’t have. For example, more bills will come your way, your boss will turn you down when you go asking for a pay raise, and so on.

Second scenario: Positive thought

Let’s take the same situation as above. But this time, you think that someday all this financial struggle will end and you will be able to buy that house or go on that vacation you always wanted. This time, you are happy and content with your current situation knowing that is just a moment that will soon end, just a moment that is not bad or good. You start looking at it as a lesson, this experience will teach you how to manage your finances, how to save money, and so on.

Can you guess what happens this time? You will be more happy and content with your life. You will see the changes that appear before you. For example, a new job proposal comes your way or maybe your boss will give you a pay rise.

Why is this happening? Well, when we are in a negative state of mind we tend to see only negative things, the mind is focused only on these things. We don’t pay attention to our surroundings, we focus only on what we don’t want or don’t have. Instead, the moment we focus on what we have, be grateful for our life, and rest assured that this will pass, then our mind is opened to possibilities and starts looking for solutions.

Following and applying the Law of Attraction simple principles will not only have a favorable impact on our lives ( i.e more money, things, or people that we want ) but can also help prevent heart disease, depression, anxiety, and other health problems.

Negative attitudes and emotions of helplessness and hopelessness can lead to chronic stress, which disrupts the body’s hormone balance, depletes the brain chemicals necessary for happiness, and harms the immune system. Chronic stress can shorten our lives. Researchers have discovered that stress shortens our telomeres, or the “end caps” of our DNA strands, causing us to age faster.

Our “negativity bias” means that we spend too much time focusing on little irritations such as terrible traffic or a quarrel with a loved one, while ignoring the numerous opportunities we have throughout the day to experience wonder, awe, and thankfulness.

So next time a negative thought comes your way, think again!

Thank you for reading! xoxo



Zelene Tyler

I like to cover many topics. Passioned about psychology, self-improvement, travel, and music.